…If you were secretly hoping that Lilli wouldn’t work out and we would have to return her, that won’t be happening. She has instantly become a loved member of not only our family, but our extended family and the community. People rave about her everywhere we go. No one can stop complimenting how pretty she is. She has got the greatest personality and is so unbelievably well behaved. We take her everywhere and introduce her to everyone tryin gto get her socialized – although I am happy to report you did an amazing job in this area and she has absolutely no socialization issues! She does have a super sensitive sniffer, and is off and running anytime she catches a whiff of something interesting. People, food or other… (we are working on “leave it” so she doesn’t go up and smother every single person with love. (Go figure, some people just don’t seem to like that! :-)) …
With Love,
Kristen, Sam, Olivia, Denny, and Lilli