Just wanted to send some pics of dominos first 5 days. And maybe some people will reconsider adopting a “Big Black Dog”. This guy is so awesome what a great dog i don’t think i could of had a better behaved dog if i raised him from a puppy myself. I know he had a pretty ruff start but it sure didn’t ruin his gentle soul. A piece of advice to anyone looking to adopt a shelter dog. Domino was the fifth dog i have adopted. All of which have turned out to be great companions. I think some of these dogs just realize after a few days that they have found a home and are loved, they stay loyal to you and give you unconditional love. My advice to someone interested in adopting is, don’t just look at the color, size or mix of breed. Find the dog that is going to suit your family best. There could be one that you think is cute and small and could turn out to be a destructive menace that you may not have time to work with, but that black big dog you walked by and didn’t give a second look could be the perfect fit. That’s what the shelter workers are for, ask them they usually know the dogs, and another thing give the dogs some time and consult someone on training if you don’t know what to do. The worst thing you can do is not guide your dog and then decide in a couple of months to surrender him, that does more damage than most realize. Usually they just want to be part of your family(a pack). So hopefully this advice can help.
Domino is a great dog very loving and social. He needs some manner training on certain things and some confidence building but all around he is great. We gave him a bandana to hide his rash on his face. He has filled a void in our family, we lost our dog of 12 years last summer and things have been quite lonely for our family.
I would like to thank all of you at GARD for caring for these animals and making long trips to transport them, you truly are special people.
Thank you,
From The Venturelli family
Cindy, Tony, Ava, Elvis, and now Domino