My dogs are referred to at the local dog park as the Malachis. The Malachi Brothers were characters on an episode of Happy Days where Fonzie was in a demolition derby Their patented move was the Malachi Crunch. They would attack a driver from 2 opposing directions and SMASH them. Lucy and Bronson work in a very similar manner, the work as a team, one distracts, the other one attacks. They spend alot of their time running and chasing their friends. I was a little worried Loki might need a little time to fit in. Boy was I wrong, he understood instantly and joined right in and chased our friend Synder (a 100 lb. Australian Shepherd/Lab mix) and took her down. HIs pack includes my guys, Synder, Chester (a jack Russell) and Stoagie (a Jack/Corgie). He loves his new friends. I named him Loki after the Norse God of mischief of the same name. The gods were supposed to leave their realm of Asgard and travel to Earth via a bridge composed of a rainbow. After the park, we stopped at the local Petsmart to stock up, and when we came out, a rainbow was right over my truck. I take that as a good omen. I just wanted to thank you all again for the great work that you’re doing. Keep it up!