Oct 1, 2014 | Happy Tails
Just wanted to drop you a line to give you an update on how Swazy is doing, I adopted him from you last fall. He has turned out to be the best dog any pet owner would ever dream to have. He is fun, loving, playful, non-aggressive, extremely intelligent, and thankful to us that we have given him a loving home. I am getting ready to adopt another chocolate lab from Screven animal rescue so that he will soon have a girlfriend and playmate. Swazy is now up to 80 lbs and healthy as an ox. Swazy and our cats hit it off just right, in fact, Swazy and Lexi play (chase) with each other every day. Lexi will chase Swazy then Swazy chases her back but neither of them try to hurt each other they just run and play. Well that’s about all, just though you might like to hear how one of your adoptions turned out.
Oct 1, 2014 | Happy Tails
Hello GARD
I just wanted to send you a note. We adopted domino about 6 years ago from you. He is doing so great and he is truly our daughters best friend. I have to say he is probably the best dog we have ever had. He loves kids, dogs, and cats. And best if all he is a big black dog. Just thought you would like to know how greatful we are to have him in our lives.
Cindy Venturelli and family
Oct 1, 2014 | Happy Tails
Hey guys,
Just wanted to give you an update on Marcel, now named Tuco, a lab mix we adopted back in may 2012.
He has grown into a 65 pound monster! He’s a huge part of our family and we love him very much.
Just wanted to thank you guys for what you do.
Oct 1, 2014 | Happy Tails
Hi Joy…how are you? just going thru my old mail and I see its been a while! I know you deal with a lot of animals, so to refresh your memory..”Sinbad” was a white Siberian husky you brought to our house in Savannah in July 2010..we re-named him Diefenbaker, and he is doing great! (do you remember?) he and our white kitty are inseparable, and I walk Dief almost every day after work…the yard was completely fenced in after Dief moved in..then concrete was poured under the fence once he started digging holes (his favorite pastime…he buries EVERYTHING!) I finally found a fantastic harness for him that he can not wiggle out of from “Walk Your Dog With Love” (check it out!) and now I have even started to take him into the Nursing Home where I work to do pet therapy! My husband Raymond is home most of the time with Dief when I am working, and he spoils him with treats from the kitchen. H e IS a needy dog, very timid, but I think he has come along nicely. He also is NOT afraid to express his opinion on things! (very vocal)And when I call him to come inside, if he does not want to come, he turns his head away from me, closes his eyes, and pretends not to hear or see me! Luckily for him, he has a big dog house with comfy cushions, and he mostly does this on cold nights when the moon and stars are out….in the morning he paws at our bedroom window to come in, tho. Thank you so much for matching us with our dog…and please come visit us whenever you are in Savannah! Berkeley Grady
Oct 1, 2014 | Happy Tails
Just want to share a photo from Tot’s first week at his new home!
Pictured left is his sister, Maddie. My husband has given Tot a new
name… Levi! And he is doing beautifully! Very smart and very
willing…. already has the leash down pat and responds to multiple
commands like “sit” “here” and “bedtime” Sooo cute and we love him to