
Emma 1Hi,

I wanted to send a few pics of Emma–she is doing VERY well and is
always with her new best friend, as you can see from the pictures 🙂
She’s growing big and strong and house-trained quickly. She also loves
chasing tennis balls outside and chasing butterflies. We adore her.

all best wishes,



mollyDear GARD,

I wanted to send you an update on our sweet and newest addition, Mollie (Molly). She has settled in so wonderfully and our other beagle, Millie, loves her too! We adore her and we’re so thankful that we had the privilege to adopt her from you. I’ve attached a photo of her and Millie sacked out together. She’s the smallest one (bottom) in the photo.

Thanks again for taking her in and caring for her!

Amanda Hinely


rickyRicky is already a star!!

He’s a dear boy who is already “rough housing” with the cats; they love him….as does Fiona…..right now he’s carrying her leash around the house as if to say, “get off the computer and take us out”!!!

I do wish he drank more on our walks, nope, there are small ponds and a lake and my bottled water, will not drink it….i got a spray bottle and spray water into his mouth…ha……and you didn’t mention that this is the “ever ready of pups”, even with no water, he’s always ahead a bit…

hot here….hot there i am sure, tired of sweating!


DSC_3388 - CopyGood Day!

I adopted an Aussie Mix 2 years ago. She has been a stalwart companion, comes to work with me every day, and is training for human remains detection for urban search and rescue.

Just thought you’d like to know what happened to her!


Lori E. Gordon, DVM
Massachusetts Task Force 1 (MA TF-1)
Urban Search & Rescue


jakeJust to give you an update, we LOVE Jake. He is the sweetest, best dog ever. It is like he has always been part of the family.
Becky Conner