Hello from Ringo at his new home with Linda & lane Thames
Hello from Ringo at his new home with Linda & lane Thames
We rescued Miss Priss (Josie) from a kill shelter when she was extremely pregnant. She looked like she had given up. We took her to the vet immediately and he did an emergency C-section because of complications not allowing her to give birth naturally. She was a great mama and all puppies were adopted, as well as Miss Priss, now known as Josie!
Josie is settling in wonderfully! She had a nice bath with girly blueberry vanilla dog shampoo as soon as she got home and looks very stylish in the pink collar with brown polka dots with matching leash. And my Mom was suckered by her cute little face into buying her a very snazzy heart-shaped ID tag with little pink rhinestones on it. We are still working on housetraining, so she has to go in her crate at night and while we are gone but she does very well in there. Last night she was dropping some hints that she would like to go in the big dog bed (literally a toddler bed) with the other two, but I prefer not to step in pee puddles first thing in the morning… 🙂 She is finally relaxed enough to go off the porch without being dragged and loves running around with our other GA girl, Sophie. We brought Josie to the local dog park both days this weekend and she did very well though still a little nervous about playing with the other dogs. She has been great with all people, I only noticed that when the guy working on our fence was petting her she trembled like a leaf all over. He smells strongly of cigarette smoke which none of my friends or family do, maybe she was abused by a smoker? I have already talked to our dog trainer and she will go to obedience classes in late August; I think she will do very well as we are already making good progress with sit and down. Once Josie is better on leash hopefully she will be able to go jogging with us – she’s certainly a little rocketdog in the yard!
These aren’t the best pics attached – one is from my phone – but the good ones are on my computer at home! Thank you so much for taking care of her and her puppies until we found her. She’s so wonderful, we’re just so happy to have her as a part of our family.
Hi Joy!
I’ve now had Fiona for over a year now; I just love her to pieces, doesn’t she look great???
Fondly, Kimberly Parker
Hello, Joy,
As you can see, Sugar is going to have to go on a diet soon. She has gained a lot of weight since I got her in November.
Do you know if she was groomed previously? I’m not sure if her fur needs trimmed or not.
She is the most wonderful dog!
Good Afternoon
It has been nearly 2 years since we adopted “Bubbles” now know as Georgia I want you to know how thankful we are to have her . She is a great dog. She had her knee rebuilt last year and you would never know she had a problem with walking … now if e can slow her down a bit it would be wonderful
She is great company for our other pets and gets along with everyone a true lover of all
Thank you again
Sandi Shelton