Sep 30, 2014 | Happy Tails
Our Lola finally got a good home! She was used as a bait dog and we had her eye put back in.
I just wanted to let you know that Lola has already stole our hearts. She is such a sweet puppy and is already getting well adjusted to our house. She has found her own favorite dog toys that she likes and snoozed away last night on the doggy bed. Thank you so much for giving us this opportunity to give Lola a home.
Sep 30, 2014 | Happy Tails
Hi, My family adopted a cute little terrier mix named Pal ( we have since changed his name to Sparky) as a gift for our family last Christmas. I just wanted to let you know that this has truly been a wonderful gift. Sparky has become such big part of our lives that it’s hard to imagine life without him. He tags along with family members to the barn to hang out with our Haflinger pony named Fritz, goes on play dates to our friend’s houses and has a wonderful time. I wanted to thank you for the work you do, it makes such a difference in the lives of the animals you rescue and the families who adopt them.
Melissa L. Pelletier
Edgartown, MA
Sep 30, 2014 | Happy Tails
Hi Joy!
My husband and I just wanted to send you a little note and tell you how great our black lab mix is fitting in at our home. He is just a little love-bug he loves us and all of our friends and family and the feelings are mutual. We love coming home to see him running at us just to lick our faces and say hello. He was excellent in his dog training classes one of the better pups. We love him soo much and just want to thank you for bringing him as well as the other pups up to jersey last september.. we have that new addition to our family and it has been amazing. I attached a few pictures of Luigi and hope all is well with you and the rescue. Thanks again.
Jackie Breese
Sep 30, 2014 | Happy Tails

Just wanted to give you an update on Chewy (formerly Rex) adopted from
Christina in New Jersey in June 2010. He is doing great! He adjusted
very quickly. He is a sweet, gentle dog. He loves to go to the dog
park every weekend and has lots of friends to play with there. He is
quite smart and learned basic commands very quickly. We are now
working on fun things, like “roll over” and “find it”. Thank you so
much for the work that you all do. I feel very lucky to have Chewy in
my life. Valerie H.
Sep 30, 2014 | Happy Tails
My husband and I adopted a precious kitten, who we named Molly, from the Georgia Animal Rescue and Defense (GARD) on February 19, 2010. She was one of a small handful of kitties you had at your facilities, which primarily housed dogs. Most of her siblings were orange and white, but she had beautiful coloring and markings, not to mention the sweetest little white socks on all four of her paws! We fell in love with her picture (which we saw on and were thrilled to find that she had not been scooped up and taken home by somebody else when we arrived at the GARD facilities! We knew she was ours as soon as she was placed in our arms.
We took Molly home, stopping at Petco along the way to get her all of the “essentials” (kitten food, cat carrier, treats, shampoo, claw caps, kitty litter, cat box, etc.). Once home, we set up our laundry room as her room. She quickly made herself at home and became a part of our family.
Over that past year, Molly has grown into a healthy, happy, playful kitty. She loves to play fetch with her various mouse toys, can do tricks for her kitty treats (sit, shake, lay down, and stand on two legs) and is fascinated by water! She enjoys long naps on her back and does extremely well on long road trips! She is all we ever wanted and so much more!
Thank you, GARD, for this precious addition to our family! It has been nearly year since we adopted her, and we haven’t regretted it for a second!
Heather and Josh Williams