Sep 30, 2014 | Happy Tails
Cleveland is becoming a big boy! We took with to SC for a week in November, he had a great time. Here are some pictures. He is healthy and doing great, now 45 lbs and full of energy. He has learned to sit, stay, play dead, roll over, and speak among lots of other things, he is such a smart dog! Take care, enjoy the holidays.
Sep 30, 2014 | Happy Tails
Sugar is the sweetest dog! We just love her. My sister could not get her to eat anything after picking her up on Tuesday. She would drink water and just finally ate for me yesterday – a piece of Honeybaked Ham. Now, she eats hamburger and rice with the other dogs but will not eat the Iam treats or Kibbles & Bits yet.
I took her for a car ride today and she rode so well. She is very well behaved and gives me kisses. She likes to sleep away from the other dogs and chose to make her bed on the base of the treadmill. I will send some pictures as soon as I get them transferred from my camera. Hopefully, I can send pictures yet tonight. I am cooking our Thanksgiving dinner for tomorrow. My husband and I went to my father-in-law’s for dinner yesterday. Sugar stayed home in the house with the other dogs and they all got along just fine. We could not ask for a better dog! I am sending a picture of her in the van on the way to Columbus from my brother-in-law in a separate email. I cannot seem to copy the picture into this email.
Thanks so much!
Sep 30, 2014 | Happy Tails

finally, a few pics of cassie in her new home with her brother, riley. she is doing great. and is really coming into her own. she has found the joy of running at the dog park and chasing down a tennis ball. enjoy the pics… and stay tuned for a christmas pic. have a great thanksgiving.
Sep 30, 2014 | Happy Tails

Hi Joy,
I am so grateful to have found such a great companion. I adopted, “Waterboy” last Febuary. His new name is Sandler and he is the biggest love bug! He gets along with everyone. I bring Sandler everywhere with me. He has more Aunties than any dog I know and a few people have wanted me to give him to them, but he’s mine to stay! He loves camping, kids, other dogs, the beach, hiking, canoeing, swimming of course (he has his own pool), and going to the barn with me. He’s so obsessed with water that I can’t keep him out of the horse water trophs when I bring him to the barn. Its hysterical! I have a horse that Sandler “walks” for me by taking his leadline. Its the cutest thing! You were right on when you said he was a goofball. Where ever I go he’s by my side or on my lap! Thanks so much!
Sep 30, 2014 | Happy Tails

Here are some pictures of Morgan! She is doing well with us and we named her Mina. She also recently started going to basic training classes at Petco. She’s doing very well! Thanks for coming to NJ for adoptions!!!
Best of Luck,
Wick Family