Sep 30, 2014 | Happy Tails

Hi All,
Just wanted to send some pics to let you know how great Georgia is adjusting to her new home. Adopted on 7/18 here in NJ..our Greyhound Lucky was not so sure about his new sister. That’s all over and they are loving each other more everyday. She is just what he needed! Goergia is doing great, weighs in at a great 16 lbs and is just full of energy. We laugh every day since she arrived, she is quite the comedian! Hope you enjoy the updates and I have just sent her sample into Doggie DNA for testing, just to see what wonderful breeds make up this delightful dog!!! When folks ask us what kind of dog she is my husband’s answer is…”One that needed a forever home!” She certainly has one!
Best to All
The Hunsbedts
Sep 30, 2014 | Happy Tails

I adopted Sydney from you last January and just wanted to give you a quick update. Sydney is a wonderful, sweet dog, and he has settled beautifully into our house. He’s been through beginning and intermediate obedience classes, just passed his Canine Good Citizen test, and is signed up to start advanced classes. I hope you enjoy the attached photos. Thank you for all you do!
Carol Murry
Sep 30, 2014 | Happy Tails
Just wanted you to see how well Copper is doing. He is full of energy! Just loves to be around people and other dogs….loves and almost demands attention! We just love him!
Sep 30, 2014 | Happy Tails
Good morning. It was finely cool enough to take the girls to the beach with me. It has been too hot for them and alot of days too hot for me. Most of the summer ,I left them home in the ac. There were somedays I went to the beach and left because it was too hot even for me to sit there and living near the ocean didn’t help this much this summer.. Not our kind of weather, So, finally got our summer pixs. Rose and the girls.
Sep 30, 2014 | Happy Tails
Hi, Hannah is doing great.She is now up to 49.9 lbs.I had her weighed Mon. for her heartworm med. to see if she went to the 50 lb. pill and she did.She’s never needed a crate.She’s left with Bandit when we gotta go to the store or pay bills and theres never a problem when we get home.She had someone take alot of time with her at some time in her life because she knows sit,shake paws and stay.She’s very,very well behaved.Bandit will play with her and thats a first in yrs. that he’s liked a dog.She doesn’t like thunder,she jumps up in the chair when it thunders,I guess the chair makes her feel….I’ve attached some pics. I took today and will send more updates down the line. Bev