May 28, 2017 | Happy Tails

I wanted to give you guys a 6 month update on Duke, formerly Bogie.
He is 6 months old now and weighs 31lbs. He knows sit, stay, down, gentle, go to crate, and come. He is housebroken and crate trained. He is working on fetch and loves to catch a laser pointer and run fast! He loves snuggles, other dogs, and hates bath time when he runs through mud.
We love having Duke and are so thankful for having the chance to adopt him!
May 28, 2017 | Happy Tails
I just wanted to give you an update that Boomer is doing really well….. In fact, you would think he has always lived here by the way he is acting. The big plus is that he loves my kids, and they love him. My other two rescues are learning to love him… Ha ha. They are still sorting out what to think of this guy with all the energy who came in acting like he owns the place! But all in all, smooth transition with the dogs. He is also doing really well with his potty training. He’s had a few accidents, but at a minimum. He LOVES his new dog bed that we have beside our bed and has to be coaxed to get out of it. We took him to the groomer on Sunday at PetSmart where they gave him a milk bath treatment which seems to have helped with the itching. I’ll be taking him to our vet for his well visit and appointment to get established next week.
Thanks for taking care of him,
May 28, 2017 | Happy Tails
He is right at home, we love him!
Sarah Counselman
May 28, 2017 | Happy Tails
Hi everyone at GARD,
We wanted to thank you again for allowing us to bring home Molly and make her apart of our family. She fit right in and made quick friends with Sam and Pepper as soon as we arrived home the first day. She loves her new Kong toy and she loves to play fetch.
I would like you guys to know, we looked back through our previous adoption papers and we adopted Sam (ya’ll may know him as “Lance”) from you on September 27th 2014.
Molly has already changed all of our lives since she has been here and we are so happy to give her a forever loving home and the best life ever.

I’ve attached a few pictures for you guys to see. You will see Sam has grown a lot since you last saw him!
With love,
Candace & Matthew McQuaig
May 28, 2017 | Happy Tails
Hi 🙂
Here is a update of Leia… there’s no way you can separate those two they are like glued together 😀
Leias stitches came out after a while and everything healed really good 🙂 she also is doing amazing on her potty training no accidents so far 🙂