Dec 6, 2014 | Happy Tails

Hi Micki,
I just wanted to let you know that Jack (Tyler) is home safe and sound. We are so glad to have welcomed him into our family. He’s sweet and learning very quickly. I never would have believed he had never been on a leash unless you had told me because he walks so well. He is already learning to sit and has become best friends with our neighbor’s dog Dunkin. I also wanted to thank you for everything you do for the animals in your care. There’s not many people who are willing to be so kind.
Leanna Ashcom
Dec 6, 2014 | Happy Tails
Hi There.
Just wanted to let you know that Nuggette, the puppy we adopted last June is still doing awesome. She has the sweetest personality and is such a snuggler. She seems to have topped off at 26 pounds, and since Cyrus is @ 70 lbs, to us she is a tiny little thing. lol, my sister in law has a chihuahua mix and another little dog, so they laugh every time we talk about how tiny Nuggette is – so I guess it is a matter of perspective.
I can’t believe that we are coming up on one year since we got her. I think that our official adoption date was June 20, 2013. We could not be happier to have her in our family, and look forward to many more happy years with her. Thank you for everything you do for the kind souls who can’t speak for themselves.
We will be bringing up some more bags of dog and puppy chow as soon as we have a free moment. Is there anything specific that you are in need of in addition to food? I am saving up blankets and once I get another stockpile of them I will bring those too, but let me know specifically what y’all need so that I can get something useful.
Thank you,
Tammy Pollock
Dec 6, 2014 | Happy Tails
Hi Mickie,
I just wanted to update you on Brian. He is doing great. We can’t love him more. He is the sweetest boy and so happy. His tail never stops wagging. Attached is a video of his graduation day from training school where he was a star. Then we took him out for a celebration to a local restaurant here that has “Yappy Hour”. Where you can bring your dogs and have a beer and a bite to eat while your dogs enjoy play time. He had a great day.
I can thank you enough for getting our little boy to us. He makes us so happy.
Thanks again,
Maureen and Kevin
Dec 6, 2014 | Happy Tails
Hi Joy!
Just wanted to let you know that both kids are doing extremely well. Both have SO much personality and are so much fun everyday. Just read previous posts from Cocopuff about Munch – had no idea what that precious boy had been through and how much your husband did for him. No wonder he was so sad for him to go. Please let him know how happy we are to have this precious boy and how grateful we are for all he did to save him. He and Prissy enrich our lives every day and we feel blessed to be their humans. We continue to collect supplies for you – hope to have a decent load soon. Will be in touch. You remain in our thoughts and prayers every day. Luv u guys!
Vicki and Nancy
Dec 6, 2014 | Happy Tails

Just a quick update on Justin and Jonah…. We adopted them just a few weeks ago and they are growing so fast. They both love their new home and are the sweetest goofballs ever! Their new names are Huckleberry Finn (Justice) and Edgar Allan Poe (Jonah). We call them Huck and Poe. Both are very smart, great with little kids, and are learning new commands daily. Thankfully they wear each other out playing in their new yard and start swimming lessons this weekend. Our family already loves them dearly.
A big “THANKS” to you and your volunteers for helping to bring them into our lives and taking care of doggies in need!!!
Diane Perkins and Family