Sep 24, 2014 | Happy Tails
We wanted to share with you how much we love Pete and how well he has fit right into our family. He is growing (over 70 pounds now!) and thriving here on Cape Cod and absolutely loves the snow and chasing sea gulls on the beach! Pete has a love of the woods as well and loves racing down the trails of the local state park, stopping to investigate every interesting tree, bush, and rock. He and our 2 year old lab Marcie were instant buddies and love curling up together on their dog bed or any other soft comfortable surface they can reach, as well as playing tag in the back yard. Pete tap dances around when its time for his meals and adores our two children who use him as a soft fluffy pillow!
Wherever he goes he receives an automatic hug from everyone he meets as they cannot resist his teddy bear eyes and soft fur. We are proud to tell people he came to us from your organization and they, like us, are shocked that such a beautiful and loving dog could have been so thoughtlessly tossed out. Thank you for saving Pete and bringing him to us, he is the perfect addition to our family and he now has the life every dog deserves!
Liz and Shawn
Sep 24, 2014 | Happy Tails
Hi Joy
Thank you sooo much for letting my have Waterboy be a part of my family. I have named him Sandler and he comes when I call him that. He is doing really well and has already made a few friends! He’s a very snuggly boy and he got more toys and treats than you can imagine from family and friends!! He’s stocked up for a long time! He loves his walks and the SNOW!! Gizmo, my sisters dog, has been playing in the snow with him when we go outside. They got along instantly 😉 They are the best of friends already! I will keep you up to date if you would like. I’ve attached a few pictures from his first few nights in his new home. He loves the couch! HAHA
Sep 24, 2014 | Happy Tails
Dear GARD,
I adopted a dog from your shelter a week ago Thursday. His name was Spider (I have re-named him Sydney). He is a wonderful addition to our family and is settling in nicely and quickly learning his house manners. When we first got him he was terrified in the car, and after many short car rides (and accompanying treats and affection) he’s finally able to ride in the car without shaking.
Thank You,
Carol M
Sep 24, 2014 | Happy Tails
Pam asked me to send you a picture of Nia, our rescue poodle you called Angel.
Katie the yorkshire and Nia are getting along very well and Nia has settled in FOREVER.
Thank you for all you do.
Sep 24, 2014 | Happy Tails
Attaching some pix of the latest addition to the family, some of you know I recently lost my beloved Nellie to a spleen rupture, and though I tried to stay with just 1 dog, it was not possible…….so thanks to the Georgia Animal Rescue and Defence (yes they spell it that way), I found this baby, rescued from a high-kill shelter down there….I can’t imagine anyone giving her up, she is sooooo mellow, well trained and an absolute gem, physically not perfect but so what? We’ll deal……Her name was Eve when she came, but she didn’t respond at all……but when I call her “Baby Girl” it’s all tails and response… Baby it is! We ate a good breakfast this morning, we’re crashed right now, and just happy…….Pix attached are so-so…..but better than nothing!
Sep 24, 2014 | Happy Tails
He is very,very sweet. He looks adorable with his new dark brown collar. When we got home last night, he had a blast running around in the snow in the front yard. It is kind of frozen so he was sliding across it…too light to sink through!
Do you know what kind of dog he is? I think he looks a little like a pit bull terrier mix but Tommy thinks he looks like a jack russell terrier mix. Just curious if you have any background. We figure the vet will let us know anyway. I figure he is too big to be jack russell esp if he is only 4months old.
Thanks alot!
P.S. Hope I am not bothering you with all these emails. Its just nice talking to someone who does what you do. It is what I would love to be doing but don’t have the courage to give up everything to do it. That’s why I give you guys so much credit. It is such a good thing to get those poor dogs out of their sad situations and that there are people like you willing to do it. Thanks again!