Sep 24, 2014 | Happy Tails
Adopted Polly year and half ago. She was one of the pups that was left in Macon at a hunting lodge with her mom and a few pups. Just wanted to give you an update of what she looks like now. She is wonderful. Thanks for bringing her in our life.
Sep 24, 2014 | Happy Tails
Dear fellow rescuers and transporters,
I am passing along this message of thanks from Pearl’s new family. They adore her and she is doing very well in her new home. Without your help, Pearl would never have found her way into the lives of these precious boys and this wonderful family. After three long days of transport, Pearl’s life has blossomed into a joyful one and I am honored to have had a part in this. Thank you for all you do from my heart to yours.
Kim Cook, Blue Sky Rescue of Minnesota, (Pearl’s receiving rescue)
********Hi Kim! I just wanted to pass along these photos to you and to tell you how thankful we are that Pearl is a part of our family! She’s such a
sweet dog: so good with the boys, and with other dogs, and she’s smart!
She seems to be adjusting well and we just love her! It’s fun to have a
furry companion back in our lives, especially one as good as she. So
please pass this message on to all the others who helped bring Pearl to
us. We’re sorry that we’re benefiting from someone else’s loss, but we
sure are glad to have Pearl in our lives.
Amy, Ted and the boys
Sep 24, 2014 | Happy Tails
Hi Joy,
Remember me, Harley? I’m doing really well up here in Boston. I got attached to my new friend Janelle right away, and now we do everything together. I love to give her high-fives when I’m on my back. It’s been a little over two weeks since I loved here and slowly I’m coming out of my shell. I didn’t make even one sound the first week, but now I howl a bit when Janelle leaves. Hopefully she doesn’t lose her job because of me, because all she wants to do is stay home and love me to pieces. She says thank you for taking such good care of me before we found each other. Well, time to go for another jog; I’m on a strict weight loss plan.
P.S. Say hi to my old buddies and let them know someone will adopt them soon. How could they not be adopted? Janelle says it was very easy to get me and would recommend GARD to anyone!
Sep 24, 2014 | Happy Tails
Hi Joy:
I just made a donation to GARD but I also wanted to give you an update on Kylah the sweet giant schnauzer. I think she rescued us more than we rescued her. She has been such a joy in our life. She had a pretty bad bladder infection when she got here but that’s gone and she has lost a lot of weight with a new diet and that has helped with the arthritis pain…
So attached are some pictures. She likes to strike a pose! And she loves her dolls (a monkey and a racoon). Her groomer lives across the road. Kylah gets to wander around our property on leash and visit neighbors and friends for treats and a haircut. But as you shared with us, she is pretty stubborn and she mostly likes to nap. So in honor of you as a mother of lots of dogs of all ages, breeds and sizes, Happy Mother’s Day. And thank you for the gift of rescuing Kylah. God bless you.
Best, Cathy
Sep 24, 2014 | Happy Tails
Joy, termite is wonderful and smart- here are some pics-he loves Sugar our cocker and she loves him-he is still small but fast–hope you remember him-little cockerdash.
Sep 24, 2014 | Happy Tails
Just wanted to drop a line and let you know how one little kitten you rescued is doing. Back in May of 2007, I answered a ad in a paper up here in Vermont. I picked up a little gray tiger cat from a house in Bristol Vermont. I do not remember the name of the women. She told me that her daughter ran a shelter down south in Georgia, and that she just brought back some kittens so she could find homes. I saw this little girl huddled in a corner of a cage and fell in love. Her name began as Sweety, then changed to Tweety Bird when we found that she may not be so sweet, and now it is just Bird.
The Bird has definitely had her ups and downs. She fell out of a tree and broke her pelvis in January of 2008. Patched her up and I think she has more energy. She has been a wonderful addition to our family, and we look forward to many more years with our little Bird.
Thank you for all the work you do
The Martin Family
Sep 24, 2014 | Happy Tails
Hi Joy,
We adopted Elvira, who is now known as Vayder. We couldn’t have asked for a better dog. She loves to play and be outside which is good because the nice weather is coming and we plan on being outside a lot. We took her to the beach the other day and she was so excited to be somewhere new where she could just run, play, and explore. I must say, it was funny to she her reaction to the noise the waves make on the beach. Anyway, thank you so much for the opportunity to share our life with Vayder. I have attached a photo of her at the beach.
Mike and Heather
Sep 24, 2014 | Happy Tails
Hi, My husband and daughter were in Pet Supermarket on May 24, 2008. You all were there having an adoption day. He adopted a visually impaired shitzu for me that day. I know this is a really long time coming and you probably don’t remember, but he has always wanted me to send pictures of “our baby”. I would always forget, but tonight I was watching Dog Town on tv and was thinking how greatful I am for people like you. Without you and your work I would not have my Benji (who I call my “forever baby”, he really is a mama’s boy). He’s come along way and is doing amazing. Most of the time you would never know he can’t see. I just wanted you to see some pictures of him and let you know how much your hard work is appreciated.
p/s I believe the name of the person who personally helped my husband that day was Joy,but we thank you all.
Sep 24, 2014 | Happy Tails
Buffy is thirty pounds of pure love. Georgia Animal Rescue and Defence Inc. was very helpful in answering all our questions and with the paperwork. Buffy quickly felt at home and follows me all around the house. She loves sitting next to us in the living room and going for walks in the park where she had this photo taken. Notice no leash! She stayed right with me! She didn’t like being left at the groomer, but she sure looks great! Of course that doesn’t make any difference to a dog. LIbby
Sep 24, 2014 | Happy Tails
Hi Joy,
My family loves our new dog Cosmo! Cosmo is such a sweet boy and he has transitioned into our family very well. We cleaned him up with a good grooming and he is starting to put on some weight. He follows our dog Jack around everywhere and is such a love with our two children. We couldn’t have asked for a better dog! Thank you very much for all your hard work and dedication to these animals in need.
The Kroese Family
Lakeville, Massachusetts